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The Amazing Las Cruces, New Mexico

Here at Hacienda RV Resort in Las Cruces, New Mexico, we’re proud of the diverse history of the Southwest and especially that of our wonderful city of Las Cruces. We’ve talked previously about how the city got its name, or rather some of the various theories about how it got its name. With that as a jumping off point, we thought we’d spend some more time talking about our past.

The Mesilla Valley

The storied history of Las Cruces begins with the Mesilla Valley. In the 1600s, there was a royal road running from Mexico City to the northern capital of Santa Fe. This royal road, or Camino Real, was the primary way to get from one end of New Spain to the other.

Because of this, the King of Spain built villages along this route developed through a plan for building known as the Law of the Indies. This created an urban plot with a civic plaza as the center of town. This plaza would be bordered by the church, government buildings, and retail establishments. Hundreds of villages were built based on this concept.

Mesilla and Las Cruces

Mesilla was established along the urban plan that the king had created and was the center of life for the Mesilla Valley. Mesilla was proud of its heritage; too proud. When the iron horse began carving new roads into the Southwest, Mesilla refused to allow the industrial barons access to the land.

Desiring to reach the sea, rails were laid to the northeast of Mesilla and the city of Las Cruces was developed as a center for the region.

About Hacienda RV Resort

Hacienda RV Resort is located in Las Cruces, New Mexico and offers a spectacular view of the amazing New Mexico landscape. They amenities include a workout facility, free cable, and high speed wi-fi. We are built to accommodate just about any size RV and are conveniently located off the highway. To book your stay, visit

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